bay cat in a sentence
- The bay cat's classification as " Catopuma " was widely recognized until 2006.
- This record expands the range of bay cats to the north.
- In 2002, a bay cat was photographed in Gunung Mulu National Park in Sarawak.
- The Asian golden cat is similar to the bay cat of Borneo in both appearance and behavior.
- They inhabit forested environments in Southeast Asia, with the bay cat being restricted to the island of Borneo.
- It's difficult to find bay cat in a sentence.
- From 2003 to 2005, 15 bay cats were recorded in Kalimantan, Sabah, and Sarawak, but none in Brunei.
- The Dublin Bay cat only lists 1 bay with the other artivles being non bay featues within the main bay.
- These observations led to the belief that the Borneo bay cat is an insular subspecies of the Asian golden cat.
- Bay cats have historically been recorded as rare and today seem to occur at relatively low density, even in pristine habitat.
- Alfred Russel Wallace sent the first known skin and skull of a bay cat from Sarawak to the British Museum of Natural History in 1856.
- Small cats such as the bay cat and various civet cats are also found . 1200 Asian elephants exist on the Peninsula, with another population existing in East Malaysia.
- Almost all the historical and recent records are from close proximity to water bodies such as rivers and mangroves, suggesting the bay cat may be closely associated with such habitats.
- Genetic analysis carried out at the turn of the century revealed a close genetic relationship with the Borneo bay cat " Pardofelis badia " and the Asian golden cat " Pardofelis temminckii ".
- The Bornean bay cat is known only from a few museum specimens and a handful of sightings, and the marbled cat was photographed for the first time in the wild only in 1994.
- "' Project Bay Cat "'was founded in 2004 to address concerns about a large group of community cats ( free-roaming cats not belonging to individuals ) living along a popular recreation trail in Northern California.
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